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Health Effects of Beer

Sep. 09, 2020

Health effects of beer

1. Prevent arteriosclerosis

The xanthohumol in hops is a complex of bile acid receptors. It selectively acts on the bioreceptors of bile acid synthesis, inhibits fatty acid synthesis and carbohydrate regeneration, and plays a role in preventing and treating arteriosclerosis.

2. The role of inhibiting cancer

3-Amino-1-methyl-5H-pyrido[4,3-b]indole is a representative of the heterocycle of the char component produced when cooking food. This component can cause gene mutations and cause tumors. Beer The xanthohumol in it can inhibit its mutation.

3. Promote digestion

The protein contained in beer is good for stimulating gastric secretion, and the hops element contained in it can promote the secretion of saliva, gastric juice and bile, which can invigorate the stomach and spleen, and promote digestion.

4. Beer can promote blood circulation

Drinking beer can increase the fibrinolytic enzyme activity in the blood and prevent the formation of thrombus.

5. Anti-oxidation and anti-aging effect

Beer contains polyphenols and flavonoids obtained from malt and hops. In addition, reducing ketones and melanoids formed during the brewing process, glutathione secreted by yeast, etc., are the best reductions to help eliminate the accumulation of oxygen free radicals. Therefore, drinking beer in moderation can obviously improve the body's antioxidant capacity and anti-aging effect.

6. Diuretic and anti-kidney stone effect

The isoflavone glycoside quercetin and alcohol in beer have diuretic effects, which can reduce the risk of kidney stones.

7. can reduce the effect of radiation

The ingredients such as "methyluracil", "melanoglobin" and "betaine" contained in beer have an inhibitory effect on chromosomal mutations caused by radiation and reduce the harm caused by radiation to the human body.

8. Can prevent cataract

If the glucose content in the body is too high, it is easy to cause cell mitochondrial work disorder, cataracts will form on the surface of the eye lens, and beer can hinder the increase of glucose level, so drinking beer in moderation can help prevent cataracts.

9. The role of thirst quenching

Beer contains more than 90% water and is a good thirst quencher.


#As everyone gains in-depth understanding and sharing of the nutritional and health effects of beer, beer will become more and more popular among consumers.

#While providing consumers with multiple varieties and flavors of beer, the more important thing is to ensure the health, safety and taste of beer.

# Due to different raw materials and different processes, the taste and nutritional content of the brewed beer will be different, and the health effects achieved are also different.

#To give full play to the health effects of beer, it is necessary to drink in moderation, of course, it is forbidden to drive after drinking.

  • E-mail: hello@alebeerbrew.com
  • Tel: +86 531 5971 0791
  • Fax: +86 531 5971 0791
  • Add.:602, Building No.1, Wangsheren Street, Licheng District, Jinan, Shandong, China

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